תלמידי חכמים מרבים שלום בעולם
Students of Torah increase peace in the world
— Rabbi Eleazar in the name of Rabbi Hanina, Talmud Brakhot 64a

As an educator, my mission is to help you see yourself in our Tradition. Judaism is big and diverse enough for everyone to find their place, and I view guiding people through the Hebrew alphabet, a prayer book, a page of Talmud, or a recipe from a relative or long lost friend as holy, powerful work. 

Yes, I believe that studying Torah - in all sense of the word - can help bring Shalom -peace- to the world. But perhaps more importantly, I believe that Torah study -the deep and dynamic exploration of our Tradition and what it means for us today- can help bring about a sense of shleimut -wholeness- that nourishes our souls and helps us experience a more meaningful and purposeful way of life. 

I am an animated and engaging teacher and have been recognized for my skill at facilitating lively and inspiring learning events for B’nai Mitzvah students, High School students, Undergrads, Grads, and Adult lifelong learners. When I teach, I consider myself a co-learner alongside my group, and questions are our common currency. 

I design and deliver an array of custom curricula and one-off educational experiences and build all of my work upon these guiding principles:

Curiosity - The only learning worth doing is learning that makes us want to know more about our world and our place in it.

Challenge - Learning is at its best and most exciting when testing the limits of our comfort zones or pushing past what we thought was possible.

Collaboration - The Tradition is too big for one mind alone! All learning is relationship-based, and gives learners the tools to guide their quests for knowledge, insight, and understanding.

Please contact me to discuss designing a learning experience for you! I look forward to creating together. 

For further reference, please view some samples of past work for clients here